May 31, 2011

FOCUS on Today!

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matt 6:34

One of the hardest things for any of us today is, Just being soaked into any issue of "what will happen next?!". We see some future needs or problems  and we force ourselves automatically into it; but we fail to live for God today. By worrying about tomorrow, we miss many opportunities that God has for us today. Life is to be lived one day at a time. That is the essence of simplifying a difficult situation. Focus only on what is in front of you right now. 

An example is the bird of the air. Birds do not shop at supermarkets and they don’t use refrigerators or freezers. Each new day they must hunt and gather food, yet they don’t seem to worry. They are up every morning singing joyfully

Can you imagine a SCENE in the Bird's Nest where Momma Bird asks Papa Bird, What’s wrong Papa why aren’t you sleeping? Papa bird says, “I’m worried. We have three newly hatched chicks in the nest. How can I sleep when I do not know what we will do if I can’t find any worms tomorrow?!!!

Worry is empty and gets you nowhere. We need to learn to trust God. He gave us our life and he will sustain it. He will provide what we need for every day. He never gives us grace in bulk. It is the matter of “Fact : If you want to feel HAPPY, Do not do what you like to do; rather, Do what you have to do! “

We lose the joy of living in the present,
when we worry about the future!


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