If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Gen 4:7
What’s the pressure in our heart pounding and warning us at some times? We know it. Temptations come at unexpected moments. When selfish feelings or thoughts begin to invade the heart, Be careful to listen to the voice of conviction. It’s the moment that speaks to you which God is not pleased with the direction of your thoughts and feelings that takes you. At that moment of conviction, you must master the sin that crouches at the door of your life. But we cannot master sin in our own strength. Instead, we must turn to God to receive faith for ourselves and faith and strength from other believers. Master the sin at the door of your life before it brings its inevitable and disastrous consequences. Heed His caution, and you will avoid unnecessary hardship for yourself and others. Life is always under our choice and we need to choose what is right and if we are not we have to face the consequences. The time between the initial temptation and the chosen response is critical. Much difference hangs in the balance. Where is your pressure point today?
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