July 6, 2011

Beautiful Diamond ! R U !!

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.
1 Peter 4: 12, 13

Success. The fleeting feathery friend we are constantly seeking. We know we really want it. Everyone does. We are in the race to chase it, to strive for it... But what exactly is it?!

In the story of "Acres of Diamonds" by Russel H. Conwell., the story of man is told who is searching for "Success"; but he did not know that the success he was searching for...which are in the form of "Diamonds" was right on his personal property!! He traveled all over the world searching for diamonds!!! After selling his property, and after many years in search of diamonds by travel and not finding it, he killed himself in frustration. One day, the man who bought this property saw a rock and tested it, the rock "Diamond" was right behind the house. To his surprise it was a "Diamond" and he became rich overnight!! It is the situation of tragedy for one man and financial fortune for another. 

Many of us are like that first man who sold his property, instead of searching deep within ourselves to find out what we have within us and develop them we despise what we have and place value on other people. For many "The grass is always greener on the other side" !!!

There are treasures...talents & gifts in each of us, and they are "What you have in your hand!". These talents and gifts are the key to your greatness. They are not just for you but they are for humanity ad they have tremendous ability to make you wealthy. All you will need and all you can ever be, found in the innermost of your being.

Success need not be the accumulation of wealth or favor or eminence. It could simply be raising a happy family. It could be finding fulfillment and happiness in one’s work. It could be making some small difference in someone’s life.

Develop your gifts and talents, after discovering them, the world is waiting for you.


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