April 25, 2011

Empty() Tomb!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead ... 1 Peter 1:3

Are we ready to leave the tomb of worldliness, as Jesus left his tomb? The truth of the resurrection is the basis of the experience, but as the flower is more lovely than the root, so is the experience of fellowship with the risen Savior more lovely than anything else.

There was a man who was on his death bed and he called the three men that he trusted the most to come and see him. He called his minister, his doctor and his lawyer to him and said, “When I die, I my savings account of $90,000 divided three ways and when you walk by my casket, I want each of you to put your $30,000 into my casket to be buried with me.” They didn’t understand why the man wanted to be buried with the money, but they oblidged him. A week later, the man died. At the funeral, each man placed their portion into the casket as they walked by to pay their last respects. As they were eating dinner together afterward, the minister said, “Guys, I have something to confess to you. I kept out some of the money. We’re in the middle of the building project, so I kept out $10,000.” Then the doctor spoke up. He said, “Well, if were going to confess things to each other, I guess I’d better confess too. We’re adding a new maternity ward onto the hospital and I kept out 20,000 of my portion to help defray the cost.” The lawyer had a disgusted look on his face as he shook his head and said, “You guys ought to be ashamed of yourselves. I hope you know that my $30,000 will always be with him in the ground. I wrote a personal check for the full amount!”

There are times when we are not good enough with the choices we make, and like the” little mind” to keep the promise, we believe that we’ll get what we want. 
What about you? Do you feel like you are settling for less than God’s best for your life?

life is too unpredictable and too brief to live it without God at the center. Our lives are like a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Have you been on driving? What it look like giving speed and brake at the same time...meaningless! Yes, We do the same when we are riding with God, we don’t trust His driving, out of patience we are like” No , not that way”, “Where are you going?” and “Watch out, Boom crash!” We are intend to find brake pedal on our side! 

Do you REALLY want to make a drastic difference in your appearance today? Let's stop focusing on our outward issues today and start focusing on what really counts -- walking uprightly and wholeheartedly with the Lord. A spiritual extreme makeover!  So don’t let your life’s story be told by something perishable, spoiled, and fading. Don’t store up for yourself treasure on earth with fame and riches—which will all be destroyed. Don’t let your story be an empty and purposeless legacy that will be another lost page in history. Instead be embraced by Jesus’ story, and have treasure in heaven.  


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